A civilian was injured in a settler attack in Tel Rumeida, in the center of Hebron

A civilian was injured in a settler attack in Tel Rumeida, in the center of Hebron

 A citizen was injured, this evening, Sunday, as armed settlers, under the protection of the Israeli occupation soldiers, attacked citizens and their homes in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood and Al-Shuhada Street in the center of Hebron.

Local sources stated to the official news agency that dozens of settlers from the settlements of “Ramat Yishai” and “Beit Hadassah” which are built on Palestinian lands in the center of Hebron, attacked with stones and beat a number of citizens while they were passing on Al-Shuhada Street in the center of the city, which led to the injury of Hajj Shaher Abu Aisha, with injuries to the face, was subsequently transferred to the hospital for treatment, while a number of houses were attacked, the owners of which were known: the Abu Shamiya family, Abu Aisha, and Abu Haikal.

The settlers´ attacks and attacks coincided with acts of intimidation carried out by the occupation soldiers by firing bullets in the area, and besieging citizens´ homes.