The number of martyrs of the captive movement rises to 220

The number of martyrs of the captive movement rises to 220

The number of martyrs of the captive movement rose to 220, after the martyrdom of the prisoner Nassar Majid Taqqa (31) from Beit Fajar in Bethlehem as a result of torture and medical neglect suffered in the isolation of "Netisan Ramla".

The Prisoners of Palestine Center for Studies held the occupation authorities fully responsible for the martyrdom of the prisoner of his death as a result of the torture he was subjected to in the detention center of The Wholesale first and then in the isolation of The Prison of Nitzan Ramla, and refused to provide him with treatment, where he did not suffer from any diseases at the time of his arrest, until he rose as a martyr this morning.

The center´s media spokesman Riad al-Ashkar said in a press statement that the occupying forces had arrested the young man after storming his family´s house on 19 June 2019, searching it and destroying its contents and transferring it to the investigation, and returned on 9/7/2019 and stormed his family´s house and searched it and destroyed its contents. again in a barbarig manner while he was inside the prison.

Al-Ashkar added that the occupation transferred the martyr prisoner Toqaqa to the center of Jallma for investigation, and after two weeks he was transferred to the isolation of Netisan Ramla to complete the investigation, where he was subjected to cruel and violent torture by the occupation led to the deterioration of his health and the refusal of the occupation to provide him with treatment or transfer to the hospital, which led To his martyrdom this morning, bringing the number of martyrs of the captive movement to 220.

Al-Ashkar warned that the convoy of martyrs of the movement did not stop, and that the prisoner´s will not be the last, there are dozens of prisoners suffering from very difficult health conditions, as a result of their cancer, kidney failure, clots and other serious diseases, and does not provide them with any appropriate treatment or medical care, in addition to The occupation continues to use the internationally prohibited violent means of torture that lead to death.

Al-Ashkar called for the formation of an impartial international commission of inquiry to look into the circumstances of the martyrdom of the prisoner and all the prisoners who rose behind bars and outside, and to pressure the occupation to stop the slow killing of prisoners.

If the occupation is not held accountable for its crimes, the door will remain open for the rise of new martyrs as a result of the repressive occupation policy against prisoners, and the presence of dozens of prisoners of poor health, including 160 cases of serious illness.