Israel decides to build a settlement town on the lands of Zawiya and Azzun Atma

Israel decides to build a settlement town on the lands of Zawiya and Azzun Atma

Israeli occupation authorities have decided to build a new settlement town on the West Bank, south of Qalqiliya, on the lands of the villages of Zawiya and Azzun Atma, with an area of ​​2,746 dunums, including a large industrial zone.

"The Israeli official responsible for the property of the Palestinian absentees in the Prime Minister´s office announced yesterday the details of the plan to establish a city on the lands of the villages of Al-Zawiya and Azzun Al-Atma on an area of ​​2746 dunums, and linking it to the road network," said Khalil Tufakji, a land and settlement expert. The plan will start from the eastern border of the city of Kafr Qasim towards the lands of Azzun al-Atma in the east and towards the lands of the corner.

According to the decision, a cemetery of 243 dunums was declared on 12/4/2019 according to project No. 1/192. Tafkaji said that this land is completely adjacent to the Green Line, which means the annexation of more land and change within the 1967 borders.

He added that the city will be wiped out or will be built mostly on the Green Line and will include several facilities and linking it to the road network on both sides of the Green Line and will be built near this city a large cemetery on an area of ​​more than 243 dunums.

"This new city, located to the east of the Ras al-Ain settlement, is part of the old plan that was laid out in 1990 by the Israeli government and whose implementation has been delayed," he said. So that there will be no future negotiations to return to the June 4, 1967 borders.

Tafkaji explained that the project is part of a series of projects aimed at fattening and expanding West Bank settlements, which has been planned and allocates NIS 65 million to implement and expand the influence of many settlements, including the planning of this new settlement city.

Al-Tafkaji said that at the same time, many new settlement outposts are being built around the occupied city of Jerusalem, the last of which was east of Al-Khan Al-Ahmar, where a new building was built on the hills east of the Red Khan on 19/6/2019. around the clock. He said: "We have been bidding for documentary films to promote the airlift (cable car) to encircle the old town and especially its south in Silwan and the Bab al-Mughrabi, passing through the sky of Al-Aqsa mosque in the south to the east where the stage and the cemetery of Bab al-Rahma and the door of the tribes.

He added that the so-called (Jerusalem Development Authority) announced yesterday a public tender No. 19/4 for the provision of services of photography, presentation, production of pictures and clips of short films and the embodiment of the project railway (cable car) around the old town, stressing that this settlement project is still In the planning phase within the Israeli municipality of Jerusalem, note that what was published about the first phase of the project, which will be its beginning (the Ottoman station) in West Jerusalem, and the second tower in the "Mount Zion" and the third in the door of the Moroccans is still planning and objection exists.

Tafkaji pointed out that the fattening of the settlements inside the city of Jerusalem is increasing at a great pace, particularly in the north-west of the city, "Ramat Shlomo", 1600 settlement units nearing completion on the land of Shu´fat, which is affected by the settlement, as well as the tunnels that are being built to connect these outposts and settlements located outside the borders The municipality and the city center to facilitate the process of connecting the settlements and increase the number of settlers and devote the city of Jerusalem as a city attractive to settlers and not vice versa.

He concluded that the American support for the settlement encouraged the occupation to proceed vigorously to implement projects that would have dreamed of achieving them were it not for the decisions of the US President biased and supportive of settlement and the Judaization of Jerusalem.