The latest developments in the spread of the new Corona virus in the world

The latest developments in the spread of the new Corona virus in the world

What follows are the latest developments related to the spread of the new Corona virus in the world in light of the latest numbers, new measures and notable events:

Japanese researchers found that the Corona virus remains active on the skin for nine hours, confirming the need to wash hands frequently.

The study, published this month in the journal "Clinical Infection Diseases," stated that the pathogen responsible for influenza lives on the skin for about 1.8 hours.

The new Corona virus has killed at least 1.11 million people in the world, according to a toll prepared by Agence France-Presse on Sunday at 11:00 GMT, according to official sources.

At least one million and 111 thousand and 152 people died in the world, out of more than 39 million 742 thousand and 730 confirmed injuries. The United States is the most affected country in the world, with 219,289 deaths, followed by Brazil (153,675), India (114,031), Mexico (86059) and the United Kingdom (43,579).

On Sunday, Israel began a cautious departure from restrictions imposed to curb the Covid-19 pandemic, which will continue until February 2021, in light of a decrease in the number of new infections.

Kindergartens, beaches and national parks have reopened and companies without direct contact with the public are allowed to return to business.

The new laws abolished the movement restrictions that were limited to a distance of a thousand meters away from the home, and it became possible to exchange visits between friends and relatives, but with the restriction of gatherings to no more than ten people in closed places, and twenty people in open places.

The neighborhoods in which ultra-Orthodox are the majority, were excluded from the easing of restrictions, and were classified as "red" areas.

And Israel, which quickly ended the first lockdown in order to revive the economy, imposed a new one a month ago.

On Sunday, the Australian authorities announced a slight easing of measures imposed to contain the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic in Melbourne, the second largest city in the country, after a regular decline in the number of new infections.

On Sunday, the authorities lifted the measure, which limited by two hours the time people can spend outside their homes to do permissible work.

It also expanded to 25 km the distance that residents can travel to practice sports, buy necessities, and practice professions that are essential to society.

New Zealand announced a new infection with the Coronavirus Sunday, two weeks after a statement issued by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announcing that her country "has once again overcome the virus."

The announcement comes on the heels of Ardern´s landslide victory in the general election, which is largely attributed to the success achieved in fighting the pandemic.

In France, where injuries reached a new record on Saturday with more than 32,000 injuries recorded in 24 hours, about ten major cities, including Paris and its suburbs, are subject to a curfew from nine in the evening until six in the morning, for a period of at least four weeks.

On Sunday, the Italian government adopted a draft amendment to the finance law worth 39 billion euros in response to the impact of the health crisis.

This law will be funded by additional deficits and € 18 billion from the European Recovery Plan.

Among the main measures, 1.4 billion euros are allocated to extend fixed-term work contracts for 30,000 doctors and nurses, 400 million to buy vaccines, and 1.2 billion to hire 25,000 teachers.

It was also decided to suspend payment of some taxes.

On Saturday, Belgian Foreign Minister Sophie Wilmes announced that she had been infected with the epidemic, noting "the possibility of her being infected with the infection from within her family."

Her Austrian counterpart, Alexander Schallenberg, who, like her, participated on Monday in the European Union foreign ministers´ meeting.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also quarantined on Saturday, after one of his bodyguards tested positive for the disease.