Biden and Obama sharply criticize Trump, as Corona injuries hit record highs in America

Biden and Obama sharply criticize Trump, as Corona injuries hit record highs in America

The United States recorded, on Saturday, the second highest cases of Coronavirus infection in one day since the start of the epidemic last March, as 83,718 were infected, while the deaths reached 914 deaths, after the number had reached Deaths Friday, October 23, 2020, 83757, and 904 deaths, according to the famous "Johns Hopkins University" data.

Health experts have warned that the fall season will bring about a resurgence of cases - and since the United States has not lowered the daily baseline for the case enough, they say complex cases are likely to get worse.

The country has more than 8.5 million injuries, while 224,891 people have died so far.

Expert Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told CNN Friday night, "We will easily reach six-digit numbers, that is, more than 100,000 per day in terms of the number of cases," Deaths will also rise sharply in the next three to four weeks, after new cases, usually by about two to three weeks.

Meanwhile, the Democratic challenger in the US presidential election, Joe Biden, and former President Barack Obama on Saturday accused US President Donald Trump of "failing miserably in his handling of the Corona virus crisis."

Trump participated in three election meetings in one day, targeting key states in the presidential battle.

Biden said Saturday during a rally, which is one of two events held in his hometown of Pennsylvania, a swing state, "This is the presidency of Donald Trump," referring to the huge number of injuries due to the Corona pandemic.

He added: "Donald Trump said and he continues to say, ´We are nearing the end of the epidemic. It will be gone. We are learning to live with it.´"

He continued, "We do not learn to live with it. You are asking us to learn how to die from it, and this is a mistake."

Biden won the support of former US President Barack Obama, who criticized the Trump administration´s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Obama told supporters at a rally in Miami: "The idea that the White House did something in a certain way is nonsense" in fighting the pandemic.

"Donald Trump suddenly won´t protect us all. He can´t even take basic steps to protect himself," Obama added, referring to Trump being hospitalized with Covid-19 disease three weeks ago.

"We can make things better ... That´s what voting is all about, not making things perfect, but improving them," he said.

In turn, Trump ignored Obama´s criticisms, saying in a tweet on the "Twitter" network that the former president (Obama) had only "47 people" at this festival.

Trump has also ignored polls that continue to show his Democratic opponent Biden is several points ahead of him in the race to the White House.

Regarding the political and media outlets that report the numbers, he said, "They want to disappoint you. These polls are much better than they were four years ago."

"This election is a choice between Trump´s super recovery and Biden´s depression," he told supporters in the blazing sun in North Carolina, highlighting promises of a cure for Covid-19 and a rapid economic recovery.

Biden has a strong lead in national opinion polls and is a smaller lead in the many crucial states, such as Florida, that usually decide who wins in the US presidential election.

But Democrats have not yet forgotten the surprise Trump created in 2016 when he defeated Hillary Clinton, so Biden worked to destabilize Trump´s supporters.

"I understand why some people voted for Donald Trump, they think they were not visible or audible ... I understand that. But after his election, we immediately forget you," he said at a second gathering in Dallas.

Earlier Saturday, Trump cast his vote in a public library in Florida and told reporters, "I voted for a man named Trump," joining the 55 million Americans casting their ballots earlier in a year when the coronavirus caused it to make voting in person difficult.