The latest developments in the spread of the new Corona virus in the world

The latest developments in the spread of the new Corona virus in the world

Here are the latest developments related to the spread of the new Corona virus in the world in light of the latest figures, new measures and notable events:

The Chinese city of Wuhan, which has recovered from the shock of the Covid-19 epidemic, Saturday marks the first anniversary of the 76-day lockdown.

On January 23, 2020, while the official toll recorded the death of 17 people, the Communist authority ordered the imposition of a lockdown on the city of 11 million people. China has controlled, since then, the epidemic to a large extent on its soil, but it is still spreading in the world.

Thousands of residents of one of Hong Kong´s poorest and most populous neighborhoods were ordered to stay home on Saturday, in compliance with the first lockdown imposed by the authorities since the emergence of the new Corona virus.

On Saturday, the Norwegian government announced partial closure measures, the most stringent since the beginning of the epidemic, in Oslo and its suburbs, after detecting infections with the British mutated virus in a town near the capital.

A source in the French government told Agence France-Presse that "the possibility of imposing a closure is increasing," referring to the expectations of the National Institute for Medical Research (INSIRM) and the Institute of Pasteur for a massive increase in the number of cases of the epidemic, due to the British mutant.

The Supreme Health Authority confirmed that extending the period between injecting the two doses of vaccines for a period of six weeks instead of three to four weeks now is a "reasonable" option to confront the "outbreak of the epidemic".

The World Health Organization considered that the cloth mask was still effective, even for the mutated virus, because the method of transmission is the same.

Germany and Austria imposed the wearing of medical masks in stores and transportation, and the French government requests that certain cloth masks not be used anymore.

In Mexico City, which has a population of nine million, dozens of people buy oxygen for relatives suffering from Covid-19. Waiting time is up to five hours to get a package, which is consumed in just one hour.

Mexico, which has a population of 128 million, recorded 146,174 deaths.

The vaccination campaign against the new Corona virus that began recently in Brazil is facing failure, amid the spread of a second wave of the epidemic, as doses and injections are expected to take place soon, according to what the scientists warned, who blamed the government.

Tests conducted by Sri Lankan Minister of Health Pavithra Waniaracchi, who publicly expressed her support for the use of a magic compound containing honey and nutmeg to limit the spread of the Corona virus on the island of 21 million people, and which it was publicly confirmed, confirmed that she had COVID-19, according to the authorities.

The new Corona virus has caused the death of 2,107,903 people in the world since the WHO office in China reported the outbreak of the disease at the end of December 2019, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse based on official sources on Saturday at 11:00 GMT.

More than 98,127,150 people worldwide have been infected with the virus.

The countries with the highest number of deaths are the United States with 414,107 deaths, Brazil with 215,243 deaths, India with 153,184 deaths, Mexico with 147,614 deaths, and the United Kingdom with 95,981 deaths.

At least 60 million doses of the vaccine have been given in at least 64 countries or regions, according to an AFP census based on official sources on Saturday at 10:00 GMT. 90% of the doses administered were concentrated in 13 countries, most notably Israel.