Biden became the forty-sixth president of the United States

Biden became the forty-sixth president of the United States

On Wednesday, Joe Biden became the forty-sixth president of the United States of America, after he was sworn in in an inauguration ceremony that his predecessor, Donald Trump, did not attend.

Biden called in a speech for "unity", pledging to defeat the inclination to believe in the supremacy of the white race and in "internal terrorism."

He praised Biden´s day of "hope" and "victory for democracy."

On the other hand, Democrat Kamala Harris was installed as Vice President of the United States, making it the first black woman and black Indian to occupy this position.

The former senator and former public prosecutor (56 years), a daughter of immigrants, took the constitutional oath before Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor, with her hand on a gospel carried by her husband, Doug Amholf.