The latest developments in the spread of Covid-19 in the world

The latest developments in the spread of Covid-19 in the world

 In the following are the latest developments related to the spread of the Corona virus in the world, Saturday, in light of the latest numbers, new measures and facts:

The high number of infections in China due to the mutated Delta prompted the imposition of new measures, especially in Nanjing (east).
And in the tourist city of Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province, where a small number of people infected with corona attended a theater performance, a stone was imposed on the population of 1.5 million people, and all tourist sites were closed from Friday.

The head of midwives in England has urged pregnant women to get the coronavirus vaccine, after an Oxford University study showed that their symptoms were worsened by the mutant delta.

"The coronavirus vaccine is keeping you, your baby and your relatives safe and out of the hospital," said Jacqueline Dunkley-Bint, while a small percentage of pregnant women have so far been vaccinated.

Spain will lift restrictions on flights from Brazil and South Africa, but will impose a 10-day quarantine on arrivals from the two countries, starting from the third of August.
As of this date, arrivals from these two countries who hold a full vaccination certificate, a negative test result, or evidence proving that they were infected with the virus a short time ago, can enter Spain, but they have to self-quarantine for ten days.

Rwanda announced the lifting of quarantine in the capital, Kigali, and eight other provinces until mid-August, although infections continue to rise in the country.
The new procedures will be applied from the first of August to the fifteenth of it, according to what the government explained in a statement.

Niger has received more than 302,000 doses of Johnson´s vaccine, a gift from the United States, four months after the country´s slow vaccination campaign was launched.
The vaccines were transferred to Niamey in two batches, with the health authorities receiving the last shipment on Thursday.

The French Polynesia authorities are reimposing restrictions to curb the Covid-19 epidemic due to the spread of the delta mutant. Public gatherings are now limited to twenty people, and no event of more than 500 people is allowed, with weddings, concerts and exhibitions prohibited.

Hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshis boarded trains and buses to return to work on Saturday as textile factories that export their production reopened despite a new deadly wave of the Corona virus.

Guadeloupe guitarist Jacob Devario, founding member of the band Zuk Cassaf and one of the region´s most famous personalities, died Friday of COVID-19.