The epidemic accelerated in most parts of the world this week

The epidemic accelerated in most parts of the world this week

The Covid-19 epidemic continued to spread at an accelerating pace this week in all parts of the world, with the exception of Latin America. The following are the most prominent weekly developments based on a database compiled by Agence France-Presse.
With 612,000 infections recorded daily in the world this week, the index accelerated, with an increase of 6% over the previous week, according to an AFP count as of Thursday. The epidemic has been re-spreading since mid-June due to the highly contagious delta mutant, which has become prevalent in many countries.
Only the Latin America and the Caribbean region recorded an improvement this week, with a 13% decrease in new infections compared to the previous week.
As for all other regions, the epidemic recorded an acceleration of +44% in the United States and Canada, +20% in Oceania, +11% in the Middle East, +6% in Asia, +3% in Europe, and +1 % In Africa.
Among the countries that counted at least a thousand daily infections during the past week, Israel recorded the largest acceleration in the spread of the epidemic, reaching +101%, with 3,000 new infections per day. Israel, which is among the most vaccinated countries in the world and has begun distributing a third dose of the vaccine to its citizens, recorded a decrease in the rate of injuries in the spring to less than ten injuries per 100,000 people, but the indicator has now risen to 243. It is
followed by Japan (+97% , 11,200 injuries), which are currently hosting the Olympic Games without the presence of the public, Turkey (+56%, 26 thousand injuries), Pakistan (+54%, 4800 injuries) and Morocco (+49%, 8400 injuries).
On the other hand, Zimbabwe recorded the largest decline in the outbreak of the epidemic this week (-46%, 1,100 new daily infections), followed by the Netherlands (-44%, 3,000 cases), Brazil (-28%, 32,500 cases), and Rwanda (-27%, 800 cases) and Colombia (-26%, 7800 cases).
The United States is the country with the highest number of new infections this week, with 96,800 daily cases (+44%), followed by India (40,600, +5%) and Indonesia (, -20%).
In terms of the infection rate relative to the population, the Fiji Islands remain the country that recorded the largest number of new infections this week, with 824 injuries per 100,000 people, then Georgia (575) and Cuba (565). Fiji is counting on vaccination to eliminate the epidemic, and it imposes mandatory vaccination on public and private sector employees, but only half of the population has so far received at least one dose of the vaccine, and only 12% is fully vaccinated.
Indonesia recorded the highest number of daily deaths, with 1,689 deaths per day this week, followed by Brazil (887) and Russia (790).
Globally, the daily death toll increased this week to 9,382 deaths per day (+5%).
Among the countries with a population of more than one million, Japan this week recorded the highest vaccination rate, vaccinating 1.77% of its citizens daily, followed by Panama (1.72%), Sri Lanka (1.70%), Malaysia (1.61%) and Ecuador. (1.26%), China (1.22%) and Saudi Arabia (1.15%).
There are other countries in which the pace of vaccination has slowed, but they are ranked among the best countries in terms of providing vaccination campaigns, led by the United Arab Emirates (172 vaccine doses per 100 people), Israel, Canada, Singapore and Chile (133 doses for each of these countries), and Denmark (130 ), Belgium (128) and the United Kingdom (126).
This indicator can exceed a hundred doses for a hundred people, as most of the vaccines used in the world require two doses to be fully effective.