The Government calls for international action to prevent the enactment of an Israeli law prohibiting visits to prisoners

The Government calls for international action to prevent the enactment of an Israeli law prohibiting visits to prisoners

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

The government of al-Wefaq on Monday called for urgent international action to prevent the enactment of a "law banning family visits" with Israel.

In a press statement, government spokesman Yusuf al-Mahmoud urged the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), other international human rights and humanitarian organizations and institutions, and countries related to the conventions on prisoners and human right to "urgently move to put an end to the hegemony of the Israeli occupation and prevent it from imposing Prevention of prisoner Visitation Act.

Al-Mahmoud called on the international community to "reject these retaliatory steps and respond to them, as they contravene all laws and international agreements that guarantee all the rights of prisoners, guarantee the preservation of their lives, and prevent the abuse of them or their families."

"What the occupation government is doing through its racist movements is a reprisal against the prisoners and their relatives, a flagrant violation of international laws and treaties, and we must act to put an end to it and prevent it and preserve the spirit of those agreements that have been put in place to govern the lives of the Children of mankind," he said.

The Israeli ministerial Committee on Legislation on Sunday approved a bill that would deprive "Hamas" prisoners from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in Israeli jails of family visits, as long as the movement in Gaza continues to detain Israelis.

Israel says that "Hamas" is holding two of its citizens who entered Gaza by their will in 2014 and 2015, along with the remains of two Israeli army soldiers, Hadar Goldin Waoron Shaul, who were killed in the Israel war in Gaza year.