The "Donors' Meeting" calls on Israel to stop its arbitrary measures against the Palestinians

The "Donors' Meeting" calls on Israel to stop its arbitrary measures against the Palestinians

The final statement of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee to Coordinate International Aid to the Palestinian People (AHLC Donors’ Meeting) said that “prospects for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remain far-fetched, and the building of the Palestinian state cannot be completed until a political solution to the conflict is reached and an end to the occupation.”

The statement issued today, Thursday, by the chair of the donor meeting, Norwegian Foreign Minister Anneken Hottfeld, which was held last week in New York with the participation of Prime Minister Mohamed Shtayyeh, and in the presence of 40 representatives of countries and international institutions, added that “30 years have passed since the signing of the Oslo Accord Declaration.” “The Palestinians have made great achievements in building public institutions, with significant political and financial support from donors, in line with the common goal of achieving an independent Palestinian state, in the context of the two-state solution.”

The statement added: However, the issues of “permanent status in the Oslo Accords remain unresolved,” calling on Israel to lift the restrictions imposed on the movement of Palestinians, especially in Gaza and Area C. Stopping settlement construction in the West Bank; And stop arbitrary measures against the Palestinian Authority.

The statement also called on Israel to increase transparency regarding deductions from clearance revenues, transfer the value-added tax imposed on trade between Israel and Gaza to the Palestinian Authority, and exempt fuel imports from taxes.

The statement also called on Israel to approve water and sanitation projects, strengthen infrastructure and deliver the necessary materials for the central desalination plant in Gaza, in addition to strengthening the implementation of the Principles Agreement for 4G and 5G networks.

On the other hand, the statement welcomed the comprehensive reform efforts led by the government, calling for the continuation of these efforts with the support of donors in various sectors, especially with regard to the wage bill, the health sector, and net lending, as well as the adoption of the hydrocarbon law, the establishment of the natural gas company, and others.

The statement also called on the international community to increase financial and other types of assistance to the Palestinians, including budget support to strengthen the Palestinian Authority and its reform efforts, as well as for UNRWA and urgent needs on the ground.

The statement stressed that "all actors must renew their efforts to build the Palestinian state and chart the path towards ending the conflict."