The baptism of the royal child Archie at a special ceremony at the Windsor Palace

The baptism of the royal child Archie at a special ceremony at the Windsor Palace

Archie, the son of British Prince Harry and his wife Megan, is due to be baptized on Saturday at a special ceremony at the Windsor Palace, and no media or public person will be allowed to see any part of the ceremony.

The special nature of the baptism has angered the British people after recent renovations of the new couple´s residence in Windsor, where they married last year at a cost of 2.4 million pounds ($ 3 million) of taxpayers´ money.

The couple also refused to reveal the spiritual parents of their son, and attributed the refusal to their desire to protect privacy.

Harry´s father, Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, as well as Harry´s brother William and his wife Kate, are expected to attend the ceremony.