The American "Internal Security" announces the injury of 11 members of the Secret Service to "Corona"

The American "Internal Security" announces the injury of 11 members of the Secret Service to "Corona"

The US Department of Homeland Security announced today, Saturday, that a number of members of a secret security forces had been infected with the emerging "Corona" virus, according to the American "Al-Hurra" channel.

The Secret Service - which is assigned to the Secret Service tasks that include the protection of the President and leaders - announced last March that one of its employees was injured after a positive result emerged from the examination of "Corona".

According to the American channel, the situation has become more worsening with the discovery of 11 cases of "Corona" among the ranks of the Secret Service, which the Department of Internal Security announced yesterday in its daily report, and it is now feared that the infection will spread among the rest of the contacts with the injured.

These cases arose at a time when the White House had announced the infection of two of its employees, which included two employees close to President Donald Trump and his deputy Mike Pence.

According to the same source, the precautionary measures have been tightened for everyone who enters the White House, particularly for everyone who deals closely with the president.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, 23 members of the Secret Service had recovered from previous infections with the emerging virus, while about 60 personnel were subject to self-quarantine.

The administration did not provide any details about the identity of the injured or the nature of their work, or whether they had dealt with the president and his deputy closely.

The American Channel quoted a spokesman for the Secret Service, Justin Whelan, as saying: "It is to protect the privacy of health information of our employees ... The Secret Service does not disclose the number of its employees who showed positive results in the Kofi-19 examination, nor about how many employees were or not." They are still in stone. "

She added that "all employees follow the instructions coming from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

In addition to protecting the president and his deputy, the Secret Service is charged with protecting other personalities, including presidential and former presidential candidates and senior US visitors, as well as investigating specific files.

The United States recorded a rise in the number of deaths of the "Corona" virus in the United States of America, today, Saturday, bringing the total to 87 thousand and 639, after recording 1584 new deaths, while the number of people infected with the virus reached one million and 323, after recording 28 thousand and 52 infections, according to data published WorldMeter site.

The United States comes first in the world in the number of injuries, followed by Spain with 262 thousand and 783 injuries, then Italy 217 thousand and 185, then Britain 211 thousand and 364.