Sweden´s parliament votes to vote no confidence in Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

Sweden´s parliament votes to vote no confidence in Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

The Swedish parliament on Monday voted no confidence in Social Democratic Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, in a first in the country´s political history, giving him a week to either resign or call for new elections.
According to the result of the vote, an absolute majority of 181 deputies out of 349 supported the no-confidence vote against the Prime Minister, who has been in power since 2014. 109 MPs opposed the no-confidence vote, while 51 abstained.
The move came as a result of the Left Party changing its position last week, after it was the only supporter of the government.
To be able to bring down the government, the votes of the former Communist Party joined the voices of the right and the extreme right.
After 11 no-confidence votes in Sweden´s political history, Stefan Lofven, who has so far been distinguished by his ability to withstand political crises since taking power in 2014, became the first prime minister to fall in this way.
He has a week left to call early elections in the summer, or actually resign.
Under the Swedish constitution, if early elections are called, the elections scheduled for September 2022 will not be canceled, which means that two legislative elections will be held within a year and a half.
In the event of his resignation, the Prime Minister will leave the Speaker of Parliament the trouble of starting negotiations with the parties to find a new prime minister, who may be Stefan Lofven himself, based on a new political agreement, what analysts stressed.
Disagreements erupted Thursday when the Left Party announced its intention to vote a no-confidence vote. The reason for this is a project that is still in its preliminary stages to remove controls regulating the rental sector, which is one of the main topics of the party, which sees it as one of the pillars of the Swedish social system.
The proposal provides for the liberalization of rents for new buildings.