Suspect surprised the police by replying to his image: "I am here for our time dear"

Suspect surprised the police by replying to his image: "I am here for our time dear"

A fugitive justice suspect has won the hearts of Richland police officers after announcing his "wanted" on their official social media page, and promised to hand him over soon by comment.

When the police depict the suspect and declare that he is wanted, she hopes the public will be able to help arrest him, but none of them expects the fugitive to respond to the call.

This was exactly what happened in Washington state last Wednesday when the Richland Police Department published a photograph of the suspect with a comment that read "Wanted Wednesday".

The announcement was widely disseminated through social media, after the suspect responded to the police announcement by commenting that he asked them to "calm" because he would soon surrender.

The comment had a great reaction, and the police department began exchanging comments with the suspect, so that the police had volunteered for a special team to accompany him if he had trouble reaching them.

The suspect, Anthony, 38, commented: "Thank you, I am trying to finish my job because I will stay there for a month and I will be there within the next 24 hours."

But he did not fulfill his promise and did not attend the police station. Two days passed and he did not show up. When Facebook users inquired about this funny situation, if he surrendered himself or not, the police replied that he "did not."

The suspect returned to the scene, addressing the Richland Police Department: "My dearest in the police department, it´s my fault of not committing, I apologize for your disruption," and promised to hand himself over.

"I obviously have problems with the commitment, I apologize for your disruption, I will be there no later than tomorrow. I know you have no reason to trust me after what I did, but I promise you that if I do not do this alone at lunch time tomorrow I will call you to help me. Solve the problem of commitment. "

Anthony thanked the police, saying they gave him more opportunities with patience. "I know I do not deserve it."

The suspect´s words seemed to have a big impact on the police. Four days later Anthony did not appear, prompting the Richland Police Department to write another letter saying, "Dear Anthony, We announced last Wednesday that you were wanted, and I replied that you would give yourself "We have started to believe that you will not come. Please contact us anytime and we will come to you."

At this time, Anthony promised his promise, and delivered himself on December 4 at 3:29 pm local time, but before surrendering himself, the suspect confirmed his promise by commenting on the publication of the police department via Facebook, when he posted a photo of Silvie himself and commented: "I am here for my dear day."