Suffocation injuries during the occupation suppression of the Kafr Qaddoum march

Suffocation injuries during the occupation suppression of the Kafr Qaddoum march

Dozens of citizens suffocated during the occupation army’s suppression of the weekly Kafr Qaddoum march against settlements and demanding the opening of the village street that was closed for more than 17 years, which was launched to condemn the continued attacks of the occupation army and settlers against our people in various governorates.

The media spokesman in Qalqilya region, Murad Shteiwi, stated that violent confrontations erupted with the occupation army after the start of the march, in which the youths used stones and set dozens of rubber tires near the settlement of Qadumim, while the soldiers responded by firing tear gas and metal bullets, which led to dozens of suffocation injuries that were treated in the field.

The march began after Friday prayers from Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque, with the participation of hundreds of townspeople who chanted patriotic slogans calling for national field unity and an escalation of popular resistance in all governorates of the country.

In the same context, local sources reported that the occupation army stormed the town last night and fired stun grenades indiscriminately with the aim of creating a state of confusion among the citizens, especially women and children, noting that this falls within the context of the collective punishments that the occupation army practices against the residents of the town in response. to continue their weekly run.