Shams Center: 156 facilities targeted by the occupation in June

Shams Center: 156 facilities targeted by the occupation in June

The Center for Human Rights and Democracy Media “Shams” stated in its monthly observatory that the occupation authorities targeted, during the month of June, 156 Palestinian-owned facilities, whether with demolition, confiscation, eviction or notifications with the intention of targeting these facilities in the future. .

The most prominent violations were concentrated in the demolitions, which affected 59 facilities, (7) of which owners were forced to self-demolish under threat of fines and imprisonment, and two facilities owned by a woman. The occupation forces demolished in the Al-Maarjat area, north of Jericho, which is inhabited by the Arab Al-Kaabneh complex (10) tents. and (9) barracks, including a residential tent and a tent used as a sheep pen, owned by Alia Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Kaabna, while the occupation forces confiscated and seized one facility.

In the area of ​​Khallet al-Nahla, near the village of Wadi Rahal in Bethlehem, near the “Efrat” settlement, the occupation forces confiscated a mobile home “a caravan” owned by a citizen.

As for the notifications, the occupation forces have notified 96 facilities of demolition, confiscation or eviction, most of which are residential, in addition to commercial and agricultural ones.

The first indicator of the observatory focused on the distribution of facilities that were targeted for demolition, confiscation, eviction or notifications according to their type, which this month included the dwellings of houses (85) facilities, tent dwellings (11) facilities, barracks dwellings (9) facilities, and a residential room (2) Facility, caravan dwellings (1) a facility, and agricultural rooms (1) a facility, wells, ponds, and water lines (7) installations, commercial facilities (7) facilities, barns and livestock sheds (10) facilities, stores (4), and a gas station (2) , a car wash (2), and a religious facility.

The second indicator focused on the distribution of the demolished facilities according to the targeting area. The peaks of the attacks were in the governorates of Jericho and the Jordan Valley (19) facilities, followed by Jerusalem governorate (17) facilities, then Hebron governorate (8) facilities.

In view of the notifications, whether of demolition, confiscation, eviction, halting construction work and other violations that prevent Palestinians from realizing their right to build, reconstruct and invest their facilities, the number of notifications reached (96) notifications in different areas, and the notifications indicate trends in the concentration of upcoming Israeli targeting of Palestinian facilities The governorates of Nablus and Hebron recorded the highest percentage.

The third indicator focused on the targeted population, since these operations targeting Palestinian facilities do not take place in an isolated area from the population. The number of people affected by it during the month of June reached at least (92) people, including (3) children and one woman, according to the information available.

As for the arguments used by the occupation authorities in their attempt to legitimize the crime in the month of June, all the facilities that were demolished under the pretext of building without a permit were in Area C, and they numbered (59).

As for the notifications, there were (13) notifications, including on the pretext of Jewish ownership of the land on which the neighborhood is built. The occupation authorities renewed demolition notices for the homes of thirteen Palestinian families in the Al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan town, south of occupied Jerusalem, within 21 days, and threatened to demolish the houses after the deadline. Among the about 100 families who have been notified of having their homes demolished for several years, in favor of establishing a “national park” for the Israelis in its place.

A facility was notified as part of the occupation policy that it follows as a collective punishment for the perpetrators of the operations against it, as the Israeli occupation court approved the demolition of the house of the prisoner Montaser Shalabi in the town of Turmusaya, north of Ramallah, who is accused of carrying out a shooting attack at the Za’tara checkpoint about two months ago, which led to the killing of a settler and wounding another The decision came after the rejection of the petition submitted by the captive family to stop the demolition of the house.

And the rest of the facilities that were notified, a bracelet of demolition, halting construction, confiscation or eviction, which numbered (82) facilities, under the pretext of non-licensing and that they are located in areas (c).

As for the facility that was seized and confiscated under the pretext of not having a license, the occupation forces confiscated in the Khallet al-Nahla area near the village of Wadi Rahal in Bethlehem, located adjacent to the “Efrat” settlement, a mobile home “a caravan” owned by a citizen.

The last indicator reviewed the “self-demolition” operations and continued oppression by forcing the Palestinians themselves to demolish their facilities, foremost of which is their homes, under the threat of heavy fines. During the month of June, the number of facilities that the occupation authorities forced their owners to self-demolish was (7) facilities out of (59) facilities It consists of (5) houses and a residential room in the Jerusalem governorate, and an agricultural room in the Umm Rakba area of ​​the town of Al-Khader in the Bethlehem governorate, on the pretext of not having a license, after I notified them earlier, in order to avoid paying heavy fines in the event of the demolition by the occupation.