Settlers seize land in Jaloud, south of Nablus

Settlers seize land in Jaloud, south of Nablus

Nablus _ Palestine News Network

On Monday, settlers seized land in the village of Jaloud, south of Nablus, began planting trees and laying irrigation water lines, guarding the occupation forces.

The Al-Sakrami agency quoted an official of the settlement file north of the bank, Ghassan Daghles, that the settlers of the focus  "revived" on the territory of the village seized a plot of land located close to the houses located in the area classified  "C ", and threatened with demolition.

He added that the land area of about 10 dunums belonging to three families from Jaloud, which was drilled and the installation of columns around it, planted with olive trees and figs for decades, stressing that the occupation forces prevent families from entering the land since 2001 after the announcement of a closed military zone.

Yesterday, the occupying government ratified the addition of a settlement, "Shvut Rachel", on the grounds of the village of Jaloud to  "Areas of national preference", which aims to promote the migration of settlers to the settlements located within the map, in addition to giving them greater budgets to promote their construction, to  "promote Jewish character in the heart of the occupied West Bank  ", What paves the way for the legalization of the outposts to the east, and thus the establishment of a large settlement grouping in this area.