Settlers seize a "cave" and destroy agricultural crops for citizens, east of Yatta

Settlers seize a "cave" and destroy agricultural crops for citizens, east of Yatta

settlers seized a "cave" today, Friday, and destroyed agricultural crops for citizens in the Maghair Al-Ubaid area, east of Yatta, south of the Hebron governorate.

According to the official news agency, quoting the coordinator of the Protection and Resilience Committees, Fuad al-Amor, a group of settlers from “Hafat Ma´on” settlement, established by force on citizens ´lands east of Yatta, seized a “cave” owned by the Daoud family, and released their sheep on the citizens´ lands and destroyed their agricultural crops in the area. A contrasting slave with a traveler of Yatta.

He added: This attack comes despite the existence of a court ruling by the Israeli courts preventing settlers from entering that area, which the citizens had managed to snatch after the settlers´ attempt to seize that area several years ago.