Settlers seize 20 dunums of Jalud

Settlers seize 20 dunums of Jalud

Settlers today began razing a large piece of land in the village of Jalud, south of Nablus, after seizing it.
The head of the Jalud village council, Abdullah Al-Hajj Muhammad, said that settlers from the “Esh Kodash” outpost took over a plot of land with an area of ​​20 dunums, located in Basin No. 19, the site of “Shaab Khelet Al Wusta,” and began razing it and working on it.
He pointed out that the occupation forces colluded with the settlers to facilitate their seizure of this land, as the occupation closed a few days ago the eastern road between Jalud and Qusra in three locations, including two sites within the structural plan of Jalud, and thus isolating more than 600 dunams of agricultural land, and preventing its owners from accessing to her.
On Wednesday, the settlers´ bulldozers began razing the plot of land, apparently preparing it for cultivation, as well as building a hut on it.