Settlers rebuild buildings in an outpost near Nablus

Settlers rebuild buildings in an outpost near Nablus

Settlers rebuilt buildings last night in the Kumi Uri settlement outpost near Yitzhar after 6 buildings were demolished yesterday afternoon, Wednesday.

According to the Israeli Arabic-language Makan channel, the settlers in the outpost have rebuilt a number of buildings, after the Israeli Civil Administration demolished all the homes of the outpost, consisting of 6 buildings.

A government and judicial decision to demolish that outpost was extracted due to the repeated attacking of Israeli soldiers and the throwing of incendiary bombs at them, while the decision did not mention the continuous attacks against Palestinians in that area, as well as the presence of that outpost on Palestinian land.

The far-right minister Bezalel Smotterich criticized the demolition operation yesterday, and said it was a "collective punishment" against what he described as "isolation."