No injuries in Gaza and another case recovered

No injuries in Gaza and another case recovered

 The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip confirmed today, Thursday, that it had not recorded any new infections with the Corona virus, while the number of recovering cases increased to 10 after the recovery of a new case.

Ashraf al-Qidra, the ministry´s spokesman, said during the daily briefing: There are still 7 infected cases that are being followed up with treatment at the Isolation Hospital at the Rafah crossing.

He pointed out that laboratory tests were done for dozens of samples since yesterday, and no injuries were recorded, noting that the medical teams are still following the health status of 1962 hosted in 24 quarantine centers.

He pointed out that the Ministry of Health in Gaza and the Ministry of Health were able to adapt all efforts to start the actual provision of services and therapeutic doses for patients with tumors in Al-Hayat Specialist Hospital in Gaza, to alleviate their suffering and the hardship of their arrival in Jerusalem hospitals, especially with the outbreak of the epidemic, noting that it had already started Working in it, receiving more than 80 cases, and providing therapeutic doses to them, among patients´ satisfaction.

He pointed out that the ministry is following up on food control in cooperation with the Supply Investigation and the Ministry of Economy to ensure the quality, safety and safety of food products available in the markets, especially during Ramadan.

The spokesman for the health in Gaza confirmed that the Israeli blockade continues to apply to the Strip, and clearly hinders all efforts made by government institutions to complete their preparations in the face of this pandemic, which is accelerating the spread of the entire region.

The ability called on all concerned to achieve an immediate response to the distress call by providing medicines, medical consumables, laboratory and family testing materials, etc. in order to achieve the first response to the epidemic in Gaza.

For his part, Salama Maarouf, head of the government media office, stressed the need to tighten the precautionary measures for gatherings, noting that there is a government plan in Ramadan that will focus on the commitment of citizens to these procedures, especially the prevention of group prayers, Tarawih, collective fastings, and all manifestations of gatherings in public places.

He pointed out that government agencies will continue to follow up on more than 26 quarantine centers hosting more than two thousand citizens and dozens of government crews in them with the centers to provide living services for them and provide all their requirements.

He reassured citizens that commodities, especially those that witnessed demand in the month of Ramadan, are available at their regular prices, noting that the intensive follow-up of consumer protection crews for the markets will be intensified during Ramadan and there will be field and evening inspection tours to ensure that prices are not tampered with or commercial fraud.

Maarouf pointed out that written declarations were circulated clarifying the preventive and safety measures required to be implemented by the commercial stores, malls, and the like in commercial establishments that are witnessing a high turnout by citizens, noting that the competent authorities will in the field monitor the commitment of the owners of these facilities and take the legal requirement in case of violation.

He stated that the Ministry of Awqaf prepared a plan of action compatible with the closure of mosques, so that it depends on communication using the various means of communication for the fatwa, religious lessons and sermons. Fatwa lines were activated by phone with the participation of a number of senior people of the fatwa in the Gaza Strip.