Settlers raze land south of Bethlehem

Settlers raze land south of Bethlehem

 Settlers razed land in the Khilat al-Nablah area south of Bethlehem on Sunday morning.

The head of the Office of the resistance of the wall and settlement in Bethlehem Hassan Brigieh, said that the bulldozers of the settlers began to raze lands in the area of ​​Khallet bee in the borders of Kushan "Tabo", belonging to the citizen Mohammed Yahya Ayesh, an area of ​​300 acres.

He pointed out that the bulldozers are intended to create "caravans", with the aim of establishing a settlement called "Givat Etam". The settlements of Efrat and Tikot arrived in the framework of isolating Bethlehem from its southern countryside and the southern West Bank with the "E2" plan.