Injuries to the suppression of the occupation of the Nilin and Kafr Qaddum in the West Bank

Injuries to the suppression of the occupation of the Nilin and Kafr Qaddum in the West Bank

On Friday, a number of Palestinian civilians were suffocated by the Israeli occupation forces´ deployment of the villages of Ni´lin, the weekly village of Safin, and Kafr Qaddum, rejecting the settlements and the racist wall.

Local sources said, according to official agency (WAFA), that the Israeli soldiers fired sound bombs and tear gas heavily towards the participants, which led to the injury of a number of suffocation.

The participants in the march of the village of Ni´lin, which was launched in commemoration of World Refugee Day, stressed their awareness to the national constants, especially the right to return to the homes that were displaced in 1948.

The participants raised the Palestinian flag and chanted slogans condemning the occupation and calling for confronting conspisitions aimed at our national cause.

Dozens of Palestinians were also suffocated by the Israeli occupation forces´ repression of the weekly Kafr Qaddum anti-settlement march, which came out on Friday, rejecting the "Deal of the Century" and "Bahrain Workshop".

The Popular Resistance Coordinator in Kafr Qaddum, Murad Shteiwi, reported that the Israeli soldiers attacked the participants in the march using rubber-coated metal bullets and gas and sound bombs, causing dozens of suffocation cases, including foreign journalists.

Shteiwi explained that the occupation soldiers stormed the village, and the rooftops of several homes to be used by their sniper, pointing out that the participants in the march chanted slogans and national chants, calling for the escalation of popular resistance, in response to plots against the Palestinian cause.