Settlers protected by Israeli soldiers storm the "Khirbet Taqwa archaeological" east of Bethlehem

Settlers protected by Israeli soldiers storm the "Khirbet Taqwa archaeological" east of Bethlehem

 Dozens of settlers stormed the town hall and the homes of citizens in Taqwa at dawn Thursday.

According to activists from the town, the settlers arrived with five large buses protected by the Occupying Army and performed religious rituals, the first of its kind in a clear sign of the settlers´ ambitions to claim that it was a holy place.

During the raid, soldiers climbed into the roofs of a number of houses after breaking into the houses of Nayef al-Amour and Mohammed Mahmoud al-Amour.

Many citizens expressed concern about the continuing incursions and feared that they would become a continuing ritual, which would lead to tense conditions and incidents affecting the security of citizens.