Settlers bulldoze land from Kafr Laqaf village

Settlers bulldoze land from Kafr Laqaf village

The israeli army has been carrying out a number of attacks in the west of the country since the beginning of the year.

"The area targeted by the dredging area is 145 dunums of land belonging to the village of Kafr Laqaf, and factories will be set up for the industrial zone called "Adairt", which is adjacent to the land of the citizens," the official said.

He added: "" In this area there is the largest settlement group ing the industrial area of Adret and the Zohr settlement palace and the compound of the two horns, and the dredging of agricultural land will lead to increase disfigurement on the citizens in the village of Kafr Laqaf, and overlooks the area targeted by dredging on the main road connecting Qalqilya and Nablus and merging with Bypass Route 55 off The Town of Azzun.