Settlers kidnap two young men from their lands in Koper to the settlement "Hallamish"

Settlers kidnap two young men from their lands in Koper to the settlement "Hallamish"

 Two youths from the town of Kober, northwest of Ramallah, were abducted tuesday by settlers after they were attacked while ploughing into their land with their father.

"Armed settlers raided the land of farmer Samir Zebar in the town, assaulted his sons Abdel Fattah and Mahmoud in their 20s, while ploughing their land, abducted the two sons, and took them into the Halmish settlement, but after contacting the liaison, the Israeli police came, took the two young settlers, and took them to an interrogation centre inside the settlement," said Cooper Mayor Ezzat Badwan.

"The Palestinian liaison was then informed of the release of the two young men, but they have not yet been released."

"The farmer was ploughing his land with his two sons, but the settlers broke into the land and attacked the farms and kidnapped his two sons, although that land is about 2 km away from the Settlement of Helmish, but one of the settlers took over land in the area and used it as a farm for his cows, and considers that the surrounding land is protected for his farm, and prevents anyone from approaching the area," Badawan said.