Settlers continue their incursions into Al-Aqsa mosque

Settlers continue their incursions into Al-Aqsa mosque

JERUSALEM _ Palestine News Network

Dozens of settlers on Monday continued their provocative incursions into the blessed Al-Aqsa mosque from Bab al-Mughrabi with enhanced and heightened security from the occupation forces.

Today´s incursions are a continuation of massive incursions into the mosque throughout the day of the Jewish throne, which continues for eight days, ending today.

Settlers carry out suspicious rounds around the mosque, listen to explanations about the myth of the alleged structure, and try to perform prayers in the Bab al-Rahma area within Al-Aqsa al-Mubarak.

"I am very happy with the growing numbers of settlers, and this is a step to prove sovereignty here, because those who control al-Aqsa, control the whole country," said the MP in the Knesset ("Shuli maalim ") during her participation in the extreme overnight.

The occupying forces continue their military siege of the city of Jerusalem, in particular its old town and its environs, to provide protection and escort to the settlers in their patrols.

Dozens of settlers attacked the shops overnight in al-Masara neighborhood near Bab Amud, injuring five youths with different wounds.