Settlers attack a house in the village of Tawana, south of Hebron

Settlers attack a house in the village of Tawana, south of Hebron

Dozens of settlers, with the protection of Israeli occupation soldiers, attacked today, Saturday, the village of Tawana in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.

The activist in the Protection Committees south of Hebron, Fuad Al-Amor, told Wafa that a number of settlers of "Hafat Ma´on", which are located on the lands of citizens, attacked the village with protection from the heavily armed Israeli soldiers, and tried to attack the house of Hatim Makhamra and the protection activists, and insulted them with obscene words .

He pointed out that the activists and the people of the village responded to the settlers´ attack, which led to the injury of a citizen with slight bruises.