Russia announces completion of withdrawal of Kurdish forces from northern Syria

Russia announces completion of withdrawal of Kurdish forces from northern Syria

 Russia said on Tuesday that Kurdish forces in northern Syria had completed their withdrawal from areas bordering Turkey under the Russian-Turkish agreement, "ahead of schedule."

"The withdrawal of armed units from the territory on which a safe corridor will be built has been completed ahead of schedule," Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told Russian news agencies during his visit to Armenia.

"Syrian border guards and our military police have been deployed there," he said.

The withdrawal began at 9 am (2300 GMT) on October 23 and ends Tuesday at 15:00 GMT.

Last week, Russia and Turkey signed an agreement under which Russian military police and Syrian border guards would facilitate the withdrawal of the Kurdish People´s Protection Force (YPG) 30 kilometers from the border.

The deal was reached after marathon talks between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.