Report: The occupation authorities have prevented 58,850 patients from Gaza from traveling for treatment abroad since 2008

Report: The occupation authorities have prevented 58,850 patients from Gaza from traveling for treatment abroad since 2008

said the Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza that the Israeli occupation authorities obstructed travel (51.056) of patients transferred for treatment in Israeli hospitals or hospitals in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, out of (179.746 Requesting a permit for treatment, that is, (28.4%) of the total applications submitted during the years (2008-2018) The report also documented the travel agencies´ blocking of 7.794 of the sector´s patients during the period from 1 / 1-30 / 11/2019, out of 22,144 requests for permission to treat, or 35.1% of the total requests submitted.

Issued the center, which is run by Raji Alsoarna, a detailed report entitled: "Israeli restrictions on the travel of patients with the Gaza Strip for medical treatment abroad", highlighted depriving thousands of patients from the Gaza Strip residents from receiving treatment abroad, due to the restrictions imposed by the occupation authorities on the movement that mobility Their companions crossed the Beit Hanoun “Erez” checkpoint, and its impact on the health conditions of patients who could not be treated in Gaza Strip hospitals.

The report addressed the deteriorating health of citizens in the Gaza Strip caused by the Israeli blockade and obstruction of the occupation authorities travel thousands of patients transferred abroad for treatment, preventing travel of patients with cases of critical and the death of dozens of them, depriving patients of treatment on the grounds provided in the Gaza Strip, or by claiming that their illnesses do not constitute Danger to life, denying patients travel to treatment for family reasons.

The report, which was obtained by "Jerusalem" dot com copy of it to the authorities to detain patients occupation or their companions at Beit Hanoun "Erez" and the investigation with the patients or their companions and blackmail them in exchange for granting them permits the passage of treatment delays and procrastination in response to the patients, and the indifference dates of treatment, and the imposition of Strict restrictions on patients´ companions, while the authors of the report stressed the right of patients to move and access health services from a human rights perspective, in accordance with international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

The report refuted the occupation authorities´ claim that patients who are prevented from travel do not constitute a threat to their lives with live testimonies from the owners of serious and incurable diseases and their families. The report lists the forms of suffering of Gazan patients, including: their applications without giving rejection reasons, despite their access to medical transfers, depriving patients of travel for family reasons, the arrest of patients or their companions at Beit Hanoun "Erez", the investigation with the patients or their companions and blackmail them in exchange for Giving them passes for treatment, delaying and stalling in response to patients, not paying attention to the dates set for their treatment, and imposing severe restrictions on patients´ companions.

The report reviewed the importance of assistance in obtaining financial coverage for patients, setting appointments inside hospitals and legal aid for patients banned from traveling, and concluded with a set of recommendations and schedules.

She stressed the recommendations: "The deprivation of the Israeli occupation authorities of patients with the Gaza Strip, who are suffering serious and intractable diseases, from traveling to receive treatment abroad, contrary to the law of international humanitarian and international human rights law, and represents a form of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

The report called on the international community to pressure Israel to:

- Forcing her to stop the policy of imposing strict restrictions on her against Gaza patients, who are referred for treatment abroad, that prevents them from traveling and prevents them from receiving treatment.