Renowned American lawyer Avenatti denies his intention to run for president

Renowned American lawyer Avenatti denies his intention to run for president

Washington _ Agencies

Renowned American lawyer Michael Avenati said he would not run for the United States Presidency.

In a statement published on the social networking site  "twitter ", Avenati said: "After consulting my family and at their request, I decided not to run for the presidency of the United States."

"I do not make this decision in a hasty manner, but I do respect my family," he said. "If it weren´t for their fears, I would have run."

"The Democratic Party is moving toward nominating someone who may be an exceptional president, but he has no chance of actually overcoming Donald Trump," Avenati said.

Avenati, 47, a lawyer for the star of pornographic films, Stormi Daniels, was seen in her case against US president Donald Trump, but in the early stages of the prospect of a campaign to compete for the presidency with a democratic card.

Avenati said he would continue to represent Stormi Daniels  "and others against Trump and his followers."

"I will not rest before Trump leaves office and our country and values are restored."