Protests in US states against orders to stay home

Protests in US states against orders to stay home

Separate protests erupted in several US states this week, calling for the easing of orders to stay at home, aimed at stemming the spread of the emerging Corona virus.

Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina and Utah were among the rallies in the past few days, amid growing concerns about the economic repercussions of the precautionary measures.

Thousands of motorists crowded the streets of the capital, Michigan, on Wednesday, in protest at some of the country´s severe travel and business restrictions.

"They are annoyed that the governor is thinking about jobs in terms of being (necessary) or (unnecessary), rather than thinking about whether the job can be performed safely," Republican congressmen from Michigan State said on Twitter.

Some of the right-wing figures, including talk show host Rush Limbo, supported these demonstrations.

This comes as US President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly said he wants to reopen the economy as soon as possible, revealed guidelines for doing so on Thursday.

However, he left responsibility for making the final decision on when to move forward with the plan for state governors.

It is noteworthy that more than 22 million people in the United States applied for unemployment benefits last month.

However, health experts have warned that a return to normal behavior patterns too quickly could lead to a new increase in HIV infections.

The United States leads the world in the number of registered cases of death and death due to the Corona virus, with more than 671,400 cases and 33,200 deaths.