Priyanka Chopra: I was overwhelmed by my dark skin color

Priyanka Chopra: I was overwhelmed by my dark skin color

Indian actress Priyanka Chopra spoke of the racist treatment she suffered during her high school in the United States.

"I have been treated differently because of my dark skin color," Briyanka, 36, was quoted by Daily Mail as saying.

"I have certainly lost my confidence in this ill-treatment and I am young."

"They used to call me the brown ones or Carrie (referring to her native India)," she said. "They used to tell me how I came back from where I came on board the elephant, and it affected me a lot when I was young."

Priyanka, who is a goodwill ambassador to the United Nations Children´s Fund (UNICEF), said the matter should be discussed and people should be sensitized.

Chopra, who married singer Nick Jonas last year, said her goal was to help bring about change so that no one would be exposed to what she had experienced in the past.