A gambler betting on a million dollars on Labor´s victory in the election

A gambler betting on a million dollars on Labor´s victory in the election

An unknown gambler in Australia has pledged a million Australian dollars (700,000 US dollars) over the Internet to win the opposition Labor Party in Australia´s May 18 parliamentary election.

"This is the largest single bet in its history," bookmaker Ladbrokes said on Wednesday.

The betting company will pay A $ 230,000 to the bidders once the party wins, learning $ 1.23 per dollar.

The return on betting on the ruling coal win is $ 4.5 per dollar.

The gambler, a resident of NSW, had been involved in two betting with Ladbrokes earlier, according to the foundation.

Wednesday´s bet easily surpassed the earlier record of $ 370,000, which was a bet on the Australian race horse "Winx", which was eliminated from races earlier this year.

Jason Scott, chief executive of LADBROOKS, Australia, said in a statement: "We´ve had huge bets before, many of them on the Winx horse, but this man clearly believes that the Labor Party is the horse that wins the most from the Persians, In racing now. "

According to the Australian Betting Statistics Report last year, about $ 23.66 billion was spent in 2016 and 2017 on race, competition and sports betting in the country.

In the 2016 election, Ladbrokes´s biggest bet was A $ 250,000 on the Liberal Alliance win, which has already been achieved.