Prisoners of Palestine: 190 cases of detention during April, including 35 children, two women, and the death of a prisoner

Prisoners of Palestine: 190 cases of detention during April, including 35 children, two women, and the death of a prisoner

The Palestine Family Center for Studies confirmed that the occupation endangers Palestinian lives to great danger by continuing arrests in these exceptional circumstances, noting that 190 cases of detention were monitored during the month of April, including 35 children, two women, and a deputy in the Legislative Council, while a martyr was raised in a prison The Negev.

"The governments of the world have released large numbers of prisoners to alleviate overcrowding in prisons in light of Corona, while the occupation continues to arrest campaigns against Palestinians, including the sick and the elderly, ignoring all Risks of detainees as a result of the arrest process.

During the past month, he monitored 7 cases of detention of young men from the Gaza Strip, who crossed the eastern border with the Strip into the Palestinian interior, and were released after hours of investigation and sent back across the border to the Strip.

Arrest of Jerusalem leaders

"Al-Ashqar" added that among the detainees is the released editor, deputy, and deportee from Jerusalem, "Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Teer" (68 years), who spent 34 years in the occupation prisons, at separate times, as he stormed his house in the city of Al-Bireh, where he has lived there since his deportation from Jerusalem. 9 years ago, she searched the house and re-arrested him.

And the occupation during the past month arrested the governor of Jerusalem, "Adnan Ghaith," and released him after two days of arrest and investigation in Al-Maskobiya in return for a financial guarantee of 15 thousand shekels, which is the 17th time in a row that he was arrested.

The Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, Fadi Al-Hadmi, was also arrested after his house was raided, and he was released after investigating for hours in Al-Maskubiya, while she summoned the head of the Supreme Islamic Authority and the preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh "Ikrima Sabri" (81 years), after his house was raided, searched and threatened with arrest because of his statements about Al-Aqsa Mosque .

Detention of women and children

Al-Ashqar indicated that the occupation continued to target Palestinian women and minors with arrests, as 35 cases of detention of minor children, the majority of whom were from occupied Jerusalem, were monitored. Ain al-Loza, Silwan

He also monitored two cases of arrest targeting Palestinian women, as the occupation intelligence summoned the wife of the martyr, "Mesbah Abu Sobeih", to investigate Maha at the "Al-Maskoubiye" investigation center after storming her house and leaving a report to her, who is the mother of the prisoner, "Sobeih", and arrested a Palestinian woman during her passage near a settlement West Jenin, and it was alleged that she tried to infiltrate the settlement, and released her after hours of interrogation, while the occupation intelligence summoned Palestinian teacher Hanadi al-Halawani from the occupied city of Jerusalem to be investigated, and she is constantly being arrested and summoned for her activities and ties to Al-Aqsa Mosque, and also called for caches S occupation through a telephone call to Jerusalem correspondent Palestine TV, "Christine Renawe", to investigate them in the Russian Compound Center.

A new martyr

During the past April, the number of martyrs of the captive movement increased to 223 martyrs, after the death of the captive "Nour Rashad Al-Barghouti" (23 years), from the village of Aboud, west of Ramallah, in the Negev prison, as a result of the delay in his transfer to the hospital.

"Al-Barghouti" was arrested in 2016, and he was sentenced to an effective prison sentence of 8 years, and his health declined in recent months and the occupation refused to show him to a specialist doctor, where he was subjected to severe fainting while in the bathroom in section 25 of the Negev Prison Prison, and the occupation refused to release him at the beginning The matter, and after the prisoners knocked on the doors and enlargement, the occupation forced him to transfer him to the hospital, where he rose as a martyr after hours as a result of negligence and delay in his transfer.

Insufficient procedures

And Al-Ashqar indicated that the occupation, and under the threat of prisoners to escalate, has implemented some preventive measures within prisons last month, considering that they are not sufficient and substandard to protect the prisoners, which puts their lives at great risk in light of its pandemic Corona.

Al-Ashqar indicated that the prison administration agreed to spray some sections, in addition to providing a number of masks for the prisoners, although they are not medical, and they changed the court system from the usual form to courts held via video conferencing, and limiting transfers between prisons, which are not sufficient procedures, and not Prisoners are fully protected from the virus´ arrival in prisons.

Al-Ashqar warned that the danger still exists and is largely over the prisoners as a result of not implementing all preventive and safety measures to protect the prisoners. The most recent of which was the announcement by the Prison Administration of his captive "Mohamed Hassan" from Ramallah, with the Coronavirus.

Administrative decisions

And Al-Ashqar indicated that the occupation authorities, instead of releasing the detained administrators without accusing him under these circumstances, continued last April to issue administrative decisions against the prisoners, as the mock occupation courts issued 65 administrative decisions between new and renewal, which ranged between two months to six months.

Among those against whom administrative decisions were issued, Sheikh Sheikh Muhammad Abu Tair, for a period of four months, was resident of Jerusalem and deported to Ramallah. She also renewed the administrator of the writer and thinker “Ahmed Qatamish” (68 years) in Al-Bireh City, for a period of 4 months, and he is a former prisoner He was arrested for more than 15 years, and I renewed the administrative detention for the second time against the prisoner, Sheikh Nabil Naim Al-Natsheh, 61, from Hebron for a period of 4 months.