1015 violations of "Israeli" last April in the West Bank and Jerusalem

1015 violations of "Israeli" last April in the West Bank and Jerusalem

In April, Israeli occupying forces committed 1,015 violations against Palestinians and their property in the West Bank and the occupied city of Jerusalem.

Local media in the West Bank reported in a report monitoring the violations of the occupation in April, that the violations resulted in the death of three citizens and the wounding of 60, amid an escalation in settler attacks and acts of settlement.

She explained that the occupying forces took advantage of the continued outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, and contributed to their violations against the Palestinians, especially in occupied Jerusalem, which witnessed 260 violations, followed by Hebron with 123 and Nablus 121.

The report monitored a significant increase in raids by the occupying forces in Jerusalem, which increased from 24 in March to 74 during April.

The occupation violations included 181 arrests and 77 crimes of destruction of property from shops, agricultural facilities, parksat and others, compared to 38 in March.

The report documented the continued settler attacks on Palestinians and their property, while the occupying forces attacked medical personnel, who are struggling to cope with the spread of Corona with 9 violations.

According to the report, the occupying forces continued to raid towns and villages with 212 violations, which witnessed the deliberate ness of the israeli soldiers to arouse fear among the citizens, amid fears of the spread of the coronavirus.

The report noted that Israeli soldiers deliberately contaminated the doors of houses and citizens´ vehicles by spitting on them, as happened during the storming of the Qaison area in the Old City of Hebron, in addition to throwing light signals contaminated with an unknown substance, dirt, syringes and gloves used between citizens´ homes, as occurred during the storming of the Safa area in the town of Beit Amr.