Poll: 55% of Americans support the investigation with Trump in order to isolate him

Poll: 55% of Americans support the investigation with Trump in order to isolate him

55% of Americans and a majority of Democrats say they support holding President Donald Trump accountable for his removal after a scandal with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelinsky two months ago.

This came according to a survey conducted by the network "CBS News", published its results, on Sunday.

The House of Representatives, on Tuesday, Trump´s formal accountability procedures aimed at isolating him, on charges of abuse of power "and betrayal oath" presidential.

This came after the White House published the content of his conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart, it was said that Trump appeared in pressure on Kiev to investigate the son of his Democratic opponent Joe Biden.

The polarization and political divide between Republican and Democratic supporters emerged, according to the poll.

While most Republicans considered Trump´s actions to be correct, or even if not, they are still legal.

Nearly nine in 10 Democrats support Trump´s accountability, and two-thirds strongly support the move, according to the poll.

The poll also showed that 45% of Americans do not support Trump´s accountability measures to isolate him.

The poll said that 87% of Democrats support the investigation with the US president to isolate him, while 13% oppose it.

Only 23 percent of Republicans support it and 77 percent say no.

Regarding Trump´s actions on Ukraine, 28% of Americans consider it right, and 31% consider it incorrect but within the framework of the law.

41% of Americans consider it illegal.

Whether Trump deserves isolation or not because of the Ukraine scandal, 42% of Americans answered yes, 36% said no, and 22% said it was too early to say so.

CBS News said in its survey of interviews with 2,595 US citizens between September 26 and 27, taking into account the respondents´ age, race, gender and education level.

She also noted that the margin of error in the survey is +/- 2.3 points.

Trump, in a conversation with Zelensky, last July, demanded the opening of a corruption case in Kiev against his Democratic challenger for the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, on suspicion about a Ukrainian gas company where the latter has been working for years.