Al-Moallem: The American recognition of the annexation of the Golan is void and there is no peace without the Palestinians establishing their state

Al-Moallem: The American recognition of the annexation of the Golan is void and there is no peace without the Palestinians establishing their state

Syrian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said the annexation of the occupied Syrian Arab Golan and US recognition of the annexation are invalid and that Syria will mobilize all its capabilities to liberate it from the yoke of occupation.

Al-Moallem said during his speech from the UN General Assembly that without the American support for Israeli violations and attacks on Arabs, and its disregard for international laws and resolutions, the Israeli occupation would not be able to do so, condemning the US recognition of occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and the transfer of the US embassy to it and Washington´s support for settlement policies. And the continued suffering of the Palestinians under the grip of the fierce Israeli occupation.

"There is no peace without the Palestinians having their legitimate right to establish their independent state on the borders of 67 with East Jerusalem as its capital and the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes," he said.

In a speech to the UN General Assembly, Muallem called on the world to reactivate international laws and use them to fight terrorism in Syria and the world.

Al-Moallem stressed that the foundations of the international relations system are exposed to an unprecedented danger.

The Syrian minister said in his speech that the violation of international conventions and treaties and the support of terrorism and the imposition of economic embargo increases the state of chaos on the international arena, and make us move towards the law of the jungle instead of the rule of law, stressing: To leave the future of our peoples and future generations in the wind.

Al-Moallem pointed out that terrorism remains one of the most important threats to international peace and security and poses a grave danger facing everyone without exception.

Al-Moallem explained that the Syrian people have contributed to defending all humanity and the values ​​of civilization and the culture of tolerance and coexistence in the face of extremist thought and a culture of hatred and death.