Poland unveils a prototype of its electric car

Poland unveils a prototype of its electric car

Polish company Electromobility (EMP), which is owned by four government energy companies, revealed two experimental models of a new electric car that Poland plans to produce and market under the name Izira.

According to Polish company officials, the range of the new electric car reaches 400 miles and its price will be within possible limits.

The officials said at a press conference that this car will be produced in Poland and the local components will later reach about 60 percent in terms of the value of the components.

At the same time, the rights to produce basic components like the basic structure will be purchased from abroad.

Although there are factories for international car companies in Poland such as Volkswagen, General Motors and Chrysler Fiat, Poland has not had any of its own brands in the auto business since the beginning of the century.

EMB was founded in 2016 with the aim of developing a Polish electric car and producing it on a commercial scale, with the hope that it will start production during the third quarter of 2023.

The location of the production of this car, as well as the sources of project financing, have not yet been determined. The cost of the project is estimated at between 4 and 5 billion zlotys (1.06 billion and 1.33 billion dollars).

Economy / Poland-Cars