Patriarch Theophilus III launched the third stage of the campaign to distribute food parcels in several regions

Patriarch Theophilus III launched the third stage of the campaign to distribute food parcels in several regions

 Patriarch Theophilus III, the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the rest of the works of Palestine and Jordan, launched today, Wednesday, the third phase of the campaign to distribute food parcels in Ramallah, Zababdeh, Barqin, Tubas, Ain Arik, Aboud, Jaffna, Birzeit, and Al-Tiba And after the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem completed campaigns distributing hundreds of parcels in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Beit Sahour and Beit Jala in the previous two stages of the campaign.

Father Issa Mosleh, spokesman for the Orthodox Church, confirmed that the Patriarch instructed him to continue carrying out humanitarian relief work in the face of the Corona epidemic during the period of Holy Week and Easter. He added that the humanitarian and religious role of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in the area of ​​enhancing the steadfastness of citizens in these difficult circumstances was translated in practice through the donation of Patriarch Theophilus III to the amount of half a million shekels for the "Pause Stand" fund for the recruitment of support to the ministries of Social Affairs and Health in the face of the Corona epidemic, in addition to a decision The patriarch exempted tenants from the Orthodox real estate within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem from the rents for the year 2020, and his glee donated 50 thousand dinars to the Jordanian Ministry of Health to contribute to supporting its efforts to fight the epidemic, and the campaigns for distributing food parcels.

Father Mosleh pointed out that the Orthodox clergy, in cooperation with the parishioners through the Orthodox institutions, managed to successfully deliver hundreds of food parcels to families suffering from more difficult conditions than others, especially at this time when all lovers of good and humanity stand beside each other in order to triumph Man is on this epidemic. The spokesman for the Orthodox Church thanked all the national authorities and legal persons who contacted the Patriarchate to express their appreciation for the role played by the Orthodox Church in light of this ordeal.