Monitor attacks on the occupation of an agricultural project in Kafr El-Dik

Monitor attacks on the occupation of an agricultural project in Kafr El-Dik

The Community Protection Committee in the town of Kafr Al-Dik in Salfit Governorate monitored the aggression of the occupation forces and civil administration officers on the project "Protection of the rights and dignity of the Palestinian population under occupation according to international humanitarian law and international human rights law, with a special focus on Gender Based Violence, Child Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction "implemented by the Agricultural Development Association (Agricultural Relief) and funded by the Andalusian government through the Spanish Foundation for Cooperation for Peace (ACPP).

The occupation forces stopped work on the project in Kafr El-Dik, and confiscated the equipment indefinitely, which are two bulldozers belonging to Majid Subhi Ahmed and Rami Tahsin Ahmed.

Work is currently underway to construct and rehabilitate 5 km agricultural roads in Kafr El-Dik, in addition to rehabilitating 50 dunums of agricultural land for 17 beneficiaries in the town.

Agricultural Relief works through its various projects to support the establishment of community protection committees in villages in various governorates and extensively train them in the topics of monitoring and documenting violations, preparing reports and reducing disaster risks, and helping them network with various institutions with the aim of enhancing their presence in decision-making centers in their local societies.

The importance of the existence of community protection committees from the point of view of agricultural relief lies in the fact that their presence restores consideration to volunteer work that has declined in the previous period, in addition to the importance of the presence of volunteers in the sites, which helps the institution to implement its activities smoothly, and also contributes to preparing studies of the needs of the sites and the implementation of projects And activities based on these reports.

The monitoring of the assault in Kafr El-Dik comes as a practical application of the subjects for which young men and women have been trained in the Community Protection Committee to serve their societies and help them document these violations and address the various authorities regarding these attacks.