Palestine warns of the repercussions of registering settlement land with "Israeli justice"

Palestine warns of the repercussions of registering settlement land with "Israeli justice"

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, today, Friday, warned of the repercussions of orders of the Israeli army minister, Naftali Bennett, to transfer the authority to follow up on land registration, within West Bank settlements, from "the Civil Administration, to the Israeli Ministry of Justice."
In a statement, the Ministry held "the Israeli government and the occupying Power fully and directly responsible for the results of these orders and their implications."
"Bennett´s decision was a deliberate Israeli methodology in the face of the International Criminal Court, a deliberate escalation in the rebellion against the international community and international legitimacy, and its decisions, and a direct disregard for the entire world order."
And considered the "Foreign Ministry" Bennett´s step as "a comprehensive test of the remaining credibility of the United Nations and its institutions, and a public skepticism of its ability to implement and ensure the implementation of international legitimacy resolutions and the Geneva Conventions."
She stressed the need for the "International Criminal" to add the name of the Israeli minister, Bennett, to the list of Israeli officials who insist on committing war crimes against the Palestinians.
Earlier Friday, the newspaper "Israel Hume" revealed that Bennett had transferred the authority to monitor land registration, within settlements in the West Bank, from the Civil Administration to the Israeli Ministry of Justice.
The newspaper said that this step comes within "Bennett´s efforts to strengthen Israel´s control over Area C in the occupied West Bank."
The newspaper pointed out that Bennett had held a series of discussions in his office in recent days, to bring about a far-reaching change in the work of the Civil Administration in the occupied West Bank.