Officially ... Trump´s referral to trial before the Senate

Officially ... Trump´s referral to trial before the Senate

Last night, the House of Representatives formally accused President Donald Trump of abusing power and blocking the work of Congress, and referred him to trial before the Senate, becoming the third president in American history to be subject to the isolation procedure.

With 230 votes to 197 and one deputy abstaining, the Democratic-dominated House of Representatives agreed to formally charge the abuse of power with the 45th President of the United States.

The Republican president was quick to condemn the historic vote against him in the House of Representatives, accusing his Democratic opponents of being driven by "envy, hatred and anger" and "trying to nullify the vote of tens of millions of Americans" who elected him president in 2016.

A few minutes later, the Council directed Trump to a second charge: obstructing the work of Congress, which passed 229 votes to 198, and one abstention.

With the approval of the indictment, the case moved to the Senate, which will likely try Trump in January 2020.

However, unlike the House of Representatives, the Senate is dominated by Republicans, who have previously confirmed that they intend to absolve Trump of these two charges.

Commenting on the vote, the White House said he was confident the Senate would acquit Trump at the trial.

Nevertheless, the vote that took place in the House of Representatives yesterday, Wednesday, remains historic, as the United States did not witness in its entire history except the two presidents to be tried before the Senate, Andrew Johnson (1868) and Bill Clinton (1998), and both were acquitted in the Senate .

As for Richard Nixon, he resigned before the House of Representatives voted to refer him to trial.

Ironically, while the House of Representatives was voting on Trump´s accusation, the Republican president was addressing a crowd of his supporters at an election rally in Battle Creek, Michigan.

"The president is confident that the Senate will restore order, justice and legal measures that were ignored during the House proceedings. He is ready for the next steps and is absolutely certain of his innocence," White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said in a statement.