Occupation detains striking prisoners under harsh conditions

Occupation detains striking prisoners under harsh conditions

 The Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority (PCA) said that the Israeli Prison Administration continues to arrest 8 prisoners on hunger strike against their administrative detention, under very serious health and detention conditions.

She stressed that the management of the detainees are holding the strikers in solitary confinement cells that are not suitable for human life and deliberate a number of repressive measures against them such as repeated searches and transfer from isolation to another, and depriving them of sleep or rest as punishment and physical and psychological fatigue.

The body that the oldest hunger striker, is Hudhayfah Halabiya striker for 50 days, where he faces serious and severe health conditions in the prison "Nitzan Ramla."

Seven other prisoners continue their hunger strike: Ahmad Ghannam, who has been on the strike for 37 days, Sultan Khallouf for 33 days, Ismail Ali for 27 days, Wajdi al-Awawdeh for 22 days, and Tariq Qa´dan since (20) days, in addition to the prisoners Nasser Al-Jada, who has been on strike for 13 days, and Thaer Hamdan since 8 days, according to the prisoners´ committee.

She pointed out that the prisoner Huthaifa Halabiya (28 years) from the town of Abu Dis in Jerusalem District, suffers from several previous health problems, where he suffered as a child burns severe, and at one stage of the disease of leukemia and need to follow-up health, and the prisoner Ahmed Ghannam The 42-year-old from Dura, Hebron, a former prisoner who spent a total of nine years in Israeli jails, previously suffered from leukemia. He needs medical attention because of his weak immunity.