Obama wonders: "What happened to the Republican party? "

Obama wonders:  "What happened to the Republican party? "

Washington _ Agencies

Former US President Barack Obama on Friday strongly condemned the conduct of Republicans who support President Donald Trump without any reservation, and have no courage to defend the "institutions that make our democracy work."

In a speech in Illinois, he asked for his first political intervention in preparation for the mid-term election, which takes place less than two months later, "what happened to the Republican Party?".

The former US president, 57, strongly condemned the statement that "everything is going well as long as there are in the heart of the White House who do not follow the orders of the president, even away from the spotlight."

"What this should do democracy us," he said, referring to the information revealed by investigative reporter Bob Woodard about the current chaotic modus operandi in the White House.

Having presented a very melancholy picture of the political situation in the country, Obama nevertheless wished to express hope that the situation would improve.

"In the face of this political situation, I see a kind of awareness among citizens across the country," he said, appealing to all the country´s democracy to go to the polls during the upcoming legislative elections in November next November.

"You have to be democracy because we are at stake," he said.

"If you believe that elections are irrelevant, I hope the past two years have changed your Outlook."

"The biggest threat to our democracy is not Donald Trump (...) but indifference," Obama said in his speech, which was very much applauded.

Since he left the White House in the 20th of January (January 2017), Obama has been relatively silent, but it seems that as the legislative elections approach, he has decided to strongly engage in political turmoil in support of Democratic candidates.

It is scheduled to be in California on Saturday, and in Ohio next Thursday to support the Democratic candidates in these two regions.

The upcoming elections will take place on the 6th of November (November) to renew the entire 435 House of Representatives and a third of the Senate and governors in 36 states.

Polls are expected to enable the Democrats to extract the majority in the House of Representatives.