North Korean leader stops train for cigarette

North Korean leader stops train for cigarette

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un appeared on Tuesday as he smoked a cigarette as he rested on a trip to Vietnam to attend a summit with US President Donald Trump.

Japanese photographer Kim Jong-un, who was lighting his cigar with a match-back during a break in southern China, was picked up on Tuesday at 2:30 am local time.

At the end of a long four-kilometer journey, Kim´s train stopped at the Dong Dang railway station, the border city of Vietnam, with China. He then left by car to Hanoi, where the summit will take place.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-yong´s sister appeared to be supplying some water to Kim so that he would likely put a cigarette in his mouth, while two senior diplomats in North Korea were seen talking to Kim.

US President Donald Trump arrived in Vietnam for a second summit with Kim, saying he would seek to disarm Pyongyang.

Trump and Kim hold their summit in Hanoi on Wednesday and Thursday, eight months after a historic summit in Singapore for denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, but talks between the two sides still face several obstacles, observers said.