North Korea promises to dismantle nuclear and missile sites

North Korea promises to dismantle nuclear and missile sites

Sol _ Agencies

The summit, which was held Wednesday between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean president Mun Jie-in Pyongyang, saw a major shift in North Korea´s policy on its nuclear program.

The South Korean president said North Korea has agreed to allow the supervision of international inspectors to "permanently dismantle" its basic missile facilities.

Pyongyang would take additional steps, such as shutting down its main nuclear complex in Yongbyon, if the United States took reciprocal action, he added.

He also confirmed that  "The north agreed that the Tongchang-ri facility would be permanently closed for testing of rocket engines and rocket launchers, in the presence of experts from the countries concerned."

The South Korean president said after talks with the North Korean leader that the two Koreas agreed on the need to transform the Korean peninsula into a "land of peace free of nuclear weapons and nuclear threats."

A surprise from Kim

Kim, after talks in Pyongyang, said he would visit Seoul, the capital of South Korea in the near future, in a move that will be the first of its kind since the Korean peninsula was divided long ago.

"I promised President Mun Jae-ban that I would visit Seoul in the near future," Kim said at a joint press conference with South Korean president.

Trump comments

US President Donald Trump welcomed the developments in the inter-Korean summit, describing them as "very exciting."

"Kim Jong-un has agreed to allow nuclear inspections on the basis of final negotiations, final dismantling of a test site and launch pad in the presence of international experts," Trump said on Twitter.

"At the same time there will be no missile or nuclear tests," Trump said.