Next month, Russia will begin issuing special passports for those who have received the vaccine

Next month, Russia will begin issuing special passports for those who have received the vaccine

 Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said, Tuesday, that Russia plans to start issuing special passports next month to individuals who have received the Corona virus vaccine.

Such passports will be an easy way to prove that employers and officials have received the anti-virus vaccine.

"We intend that this will be an opportunity to obtain a vaccine passport via the services´ website next January," the Russian Interfax news agency quoted the minister as saying.

Russia was the first country to announce an anti-Coronavirus vaccine five months ago, last August.

The government plans to provide more than one million doses of the vaccine to citizens by the end of next month.

Russia, with a population of 145 million, has recorded the fourth highest cases of Coronavirus in the world, in light of the increase in cases during the past months.

The total number of HIV cases in Russia is more than 3 million, according to official statistics.