National Bureau: The United Nations monitors settler terrorism in the Palestinian territories and does nothing to stop it

National Bureau: The United Nations monitors settler terrorism in the Palestinian territories and does nothing to stop it

 The National Office for Land Defense and Settlement Resistance of the Palestine Liberation Organization said on Saturday that the United Nations monitors settler violence in the Palestinian territories and does nothing to stop their terrorist practices.

He touched on the latest report issued a week ago by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Palestinian Territory occupied 1967, which sheds some light on the escalating settler violence under the Israeli government, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, as three settler-related incidents occur per day on average during the months. The first eight incidents of the year 2023, compared to an average of two incidents per day during the year 2022 and one incident per day in the year 2021. This is the highest level of violent incidents related to settlers since the year 2006. This violence resulted in the displacement of 1,105 people from 28 Palestinian herding communities, constituting about 12 percent of the population of pastoral communities, from their places of residence since 2022.

Most of the displaced were in the governorates of Ramallah, Al-Bireh, Nablus, and Hebron, which also have the highest number of Israeli settlement outposts. The report states that since 2022, the residents of four communities have been displaced and are now empty, and more than 50 percent of six communities, and more than 25 Percent from seven other communities, distributed among the following governorates in the West Bank: 77 from three communities in Tubas Governorate, 276 from seven communities in Nablus Governorate, 15 from one of the communities in Qalqilya Governorate, 30 from one of the communities in Salfit Governorate, 410 from six communities. In the Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate, 53 from one of the communities in the Jerusalem Governorate, 35 from one of the communities in Bethlehem, and 209 from nine communities in the Hebron Governorate, due to the escalation in settler violence.

The reasons for the total or partial migration of these communities are clear. About 93 percent of these communities reported that the reasons were due to an increase in settler violence, and 90 percent of them indicated an increase in the intensity of this violence since the beginning of 2022.

All of this is happening, according to the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs, in the absence of accountability for settler violence. In 81 percent of the communities that were exposed to settler violence, residents filed complaints with the Israeli police in some or most of the incidents of settler violence to which they were exposed.

 But only 6 percent of the representatives of these communities were aware of any follow-up measures taken by the Israeli authorities.

The National Office believes that what is happening with the Palestinian herding communities “Bedouin communities” in the West Bank and in any political contexts taking place was absent from the report of the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs, as this may be outside the scope of its jurisdiction. However, the report maintains its importance due to its objectivity. .

Organized Violence
It is no secret to observers that the violence practiced by settlers has become organized violence carried out by Jewish terrorist organizations that specifically take the settlement outposts and the so-called pastoral farms as their safe havens under the full protection of the occupation army and police. Here these terrorist organizations operate from the thugs of the “Hill Youth.” ", "Paying the price", "Rebellion" and others as a secondary agent of the occupation army. The occupying army cannot, for political and legal considerations, publicly and directly carry out the terrorist acts carried out by terrorist groups. According to international humanitarian law and the laws of war, it is responsible for protecting civilians under occupation. These terrorist organizations have well-known political and spiritual references, and others on the ground occupy prominent positions in the council. The Yesha settlements and their regional councils include the likes of Yossi Dagan and Shlomo Neman.

The political authority for the Jewish terrorist organizations operating in the settlements does not hide their identity, as they occupy their positions in the Knesset and in the government. The picture appeared here naked after 14 Knesset members submitted a petition to the Israeli internal security service “Shin Bet” demanding improvement in the detention conditions of the terrorist Amiram Ben-Uliel, who was convicted of killing a family. Dawabsha was burned in the village of Duma in July of 2015, and upon ending his administrative detention in Eshel Prison. These people are mainly led by Bezalel Smotrich, who is a dangerous, typical fascist politician compared to other fascists and neo-Nazis in the current Netanyahu government.

This “Smotrich” is working to displace the Palestinian pastoral communities with a clear and announced program and with well-known tools such as the “Hill Youth” thugs, and he adopts a policy of spreading settlement outposts and so-called pastoral farms everywhere, focusing on the areas of Shafa al-Ghor in the governorates of Tubas, Nablus, Ramallah, and Al-Bireh, and in the Jerusalem desert, as in Musafer Yatta is working to legitimize not only these outposts and farms, but also the Jewish terrorist organizations, from which they launch their organized attacks on Palestinian citizens in general and Palestinian herding communities in particular. This is what he claims, according to the “Times of Israel” electronic magazine in its issue dated 20 Last August, with a plan to legitimize 155 illegal settlement outposts throughout the West Bank, either by moving them to what Israel considers state lands, or by applying alternative legal mechanisms that allow them to remain in place. Smotrich’s plan, according to the aforementioned magazine, focuses first on legitimizingSettlement outposts in the northern and central West Bank before working on illegal outposts in the Hebron region and the Jordan Valley. The offices controlled by it in the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense allocate millions of shekels to the settlement outposts, in addition to building access roads to the settlement outposts and connecting them to electricity and water networks, and it is used according to " The Times of Israel lists contractors he knows to move projects forward.

Displacement of Palestinians from the Jordan Valley
The Northern Jordan Valley is currently on the agenda of Smotrich and his Civil Administration. The communities of Al-Rawaq and Homs have been completely displaced, Khallet Makhul, Khallet Juday'ah, Khirbet Umm Qatn, and Al-Hadidiya partially, while the Civil Administration has delivered 120 demolition and deportation notices in the Northern Jordan Valley since the beginning of this year. Shafa al-Ghor in the Nablus and Ramallah governorates/Al-Bireh is also at the top of the agenda of the Minister of Settlement in the Ministry of the Army, from Farush Beit Dajan upwards towards Beit Dajan, Beit Furik, Aqraba, Majdal Bani Fadel, and Duma in the Nablus governorate to Al-Mughayir, Kafr Malek, and Taybeh. Al-Mu'rajat in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate, settlement outposts and many settler pastoral farms spread in the area, have turned into a shelter for Jewish terrorist organizations, on the top of a hill one kilometer south of Ain al-Rashash (Duma). These terrorist organizations established one of the most dangerous settlement outposts and launched... It has the name “Malachi HaShalom” (Angels of Peace) on it.

On the other hand, the military government in “Beit El” renewed the military order to seize about 350 dunams of Palestinian citizens’ lands in the villages of Beit Liqya - west of Ramallah - and Qatna, Al-Qubeiba, and Beit Anan, northwest of Jerusalem, in the context of expanding settlement in the Green Line area and the area. The head in Al-Qubayba, as well as Beit Anan and Khirbet Umm Al-Lahm in Qatana, as they are strategic areas near the Green Line with the aim of completely wiping it out, especially in the area of the “Har Hardar” settlement, a large part of which is located on the lands of Qatana and part on the lands of the village of Abu Ghosh, and is undergoing a major expansion process. The targeted areas are border areas that quickly turned into areas for settlement expansion, where the occupation authorities prevent citizens who own land from entering them, in a way that serves the vision of the fascist and neo-Nazi government in Israel, which made its final decision to resolve the situation in Area C classified according to the Oslo Accords, and to implement a project. Building a new settlement on Qatana lands in the Ras areaMatters were resolved in the area northwest of Jerusalem, which is witnessing a rapid expansion of settlement activity.

Continuing settlement construction in Jerusalem
In addition, the wheel of construction in Jerusalem does not stop, not for the Palestinians, as the occupation government promised in its five-year plan to solve the housing crisis among the Palestinians, but for the settlers, as the Moshe Lion municipality plans to build 250 settlement units in the “Armon Hanatziv” settlement, on the lands of Jabal Mukaber. By removing 4 buildings containing 65 settlement units, and erecting two 23-story towers and a 10-story residential building, with a total of 250 settlement units on a land area of approximately 6.5 dunums, in addition to another project on the Hebron-Bethlehem road on a land area of about 4 dunams with a tower 28 high. A floor containing about 145 residential units, commercial facades, and public institutions that are integrated into the residential complex, and a third project also on the Hebron-Bethlehem Road whose plan was approved for deposit on a total area of about 3.5 dunams, along the approved blue line for the light rail, includes the construction of 230 residential units in Two towers, one with 30 floors and the other with 17 floors.